"WHAMMY: The All New Press Your Luck" is an exciting game show that brings the beloved classic "Press Your Luck" back to television screens. Hosted by a Todd Newton, the show combines luck, strategy, and suspense in a thrilling gameplay format. Contestants take turns spinning a game board filled with cash, prizes, and the infamous Whammy, a mischievous animated character who can wipe out their winnings. The objective is to accumulate as much money and prizes as possible without hitting a Whammy. Contestants face tough decisions when deciding whether to press their luck and spin again or pass their turn to the opponent. The show's vibrant visuals, energetic atmosphere, and the anticipation of hitting big rewards or falling victim to the Whammy create a captivating and entertaining experience for both contestants and viewers. "WHAMMY: The All New Press Your Luck" revives the nostalgic charm of the original while adding new twists and surprises, making it a must-watch game show for fans and newcomers alike.
Airing Information
Network | Time Period |
GSN | 2002 - 2003 |