
"Tattletales" is a classic game show that aired from the 1970s to the 1980s, hosted by emcee Bert Convy. The show featured celebrity couples who competed to answer questions about their personal lives, revealing amusing and sometimes surprising details. The couples were typically composed of actors, musicians, or other notable personalities. The questions ranged from lighthearted topics to more intimate aspects of their relationships. What made "Tattletales" unique was the dynamic between the celebrity couples, as they often shared anecdotes and playful banter on stage. The show's format created an entertaining mix of revealing moments, humorous interactions, and a glimpse into the personal lives of celebrities. "Tattletales" was known for its light-hearted and comedic atmosphere, making it a popular game show during its time.

Airing Information

Network Time Period
CBS Daytime 1974 - 1978
Syndicated Daytime 1977 - 1978
CBS 1982 - 1984