To Tell The Truth
"To Tell the Truth" is a timeless and beloved game show that has entertained audiences for decades. Hosted by various emcees over the years, the show presents a panel of celebrities who attempt to determine the true identity of a contestant from a group of individuals with similar backgrounds or unusual experiences. Each contestant provides answers to questions posed by the panel, but only one of them is telling the truth, while the others are impostors. The panelists engage in witty banter and clever questioning to uncover the real person among the impostors. At the end of the round, the panelists vote on who they believe is telling the truth. If they guess correctly, they earn points, but if they are fooled, the impostor receives the points. "To Tell the Truth" is known for its suspenseful reveals, surprising twists, and the engaging interactions between the panelists and contestants. It continues to captivate audiences with its intriguing premise and the challenge of distinguishing truth from deception.
Airing Information
Network | Time Period |
CBS Primetime | 1956 - 1967 |
CBS Daytime | 1962 - 1968 |
Syndicated Daytime | 1969 - 1978 |
Syndicated | 1980 - 1981 |
NBC | 1990 - 1991 |
Syndicated | 2000 - 2002 |
ABC Primetime | 06/2016 - Present |