I've Got a Secret

"I've Got a Secret" is a captivating game show that combines elements of mystery, humor, and suspense. The show features a panel of celebrity guests who try to uncover the secret of a contestant, known only to the host and the audience. The contestant, through a series of yes-or-no questions, provides clues to the panelists in their quest to unravel the hidden truth. As the panelists engage in witty banter and make clever deductions, the tension builds, and the audience eagerly anticipates the revelation of the secret. With its engaging format and charismatic personalities, "I've Got a Secret" offers a thrilling and entertaining experience for both the participants and the viewers alike.

Airing Information

Network Time Period
CBS Primetime 1952 - 1967
Syndicated Primetime 1972 - 1973
CBS Primetime 1976
Oxygen 2000 - 2001
GSN 2006 - 2007